About Asuka Fujiwara
Conservation and Utilization Efforts
To Conserve and Hand Down to the Future
Ancient Capitals of Asuka and Fujiwara has 22 components, and your understanding and cooperation are indispensable for conserving these assets and passing them on to the future.
The Asuka-Fujiwara World Heritage Site Inscription Promotion Council publish articles about companies and organizations that are engaged in the following activities.
- Support for the Inscription of “Ancient Capitals of Asuka and Fujiwara” as a World Heritage Site
- Activities related to the conservation and utilization of the constituent assets
For example…
Volunteer activities (guiding, cleaning, etc.)
Broadcasting of videos on digital signage
Posters, banner advertisements, panels, etc. at buildings and stations
Holding events related to Asuka-Fujiwara
Distribution of promotional materials and pamphlets prepared by the Council
【 Notes 】
Please be sure to include the following items in the “Inquiry Details” section of your application.
- Name of company/organization
- Outline of your initiatives
Please note that the Council will decide whether or not to publish your article.
If you want to support us but do not know what to do, why don’t you start by doing the following?
- Send out information on SNS.
- Visit the constituent properties (getting to know them is also a good way to support them).
- Participate in Asuka-Fujiwara related events held by the Council or in the prefecture.
Post on your website that you support the promotion of the World Heritage registration.
Initiatives by Companies, Organizations, and Local Governments
The following is a list of initiatives by companies, organizations, and municipalities that have provided support and engaged in various activities.
- 【Oji Town】Myojin Mountain Beacon Project that connects everyone – Toward the World Heritage Inscription of Asuka-Fujiwara
On December 9, 2023, Oji Town hosted a project to recreate the “Myojin Mountain Beacon Fire for Emergency Calls to the Asuka Capital” at Myojin Mountain and other locations.

〈Contact〉Regional Exchange Division, Oji Town(Tel:0745-72-6565, Mail:bunkazai@town.oji.nara.jp)
- 【VHC, LLC】Bamboo Forest Maintenance in Asuka Village and Production of Specialty Products
Crowdfunding by VHC, LLC was conducted as a project to contribute to the enhancement of the landscape of the Asuka area for its registration as a World Heritage site through the improvement of the bamboo forest in Asuka Village and the production of specialty products.

〈Contact〉VHC, LLC(Tel:090-7942-7425, Mail:m.tsumoto@v-hcare.com, Website:https://v-hcare.com/)
- 【Cooperative Committee for the Maintenance of the Fujiwara Palace Site】Planting Flowers at the Fujiwara Palace Site in Cooperation with Kashihara City, Kashihara, Nara Prefecture
The Committee for Cooperation in the Maintenance of the Fujiwara Palace Site is engaged in environmental maintenance and beautification activities such as flower planting and mowing at the Fujiwara Palace Site, as well as cooperation in raising awareness of the Fujiwara Palace Site.

〈Contact〉World Heritage Registration Promotion Division, Kashihara City(TEL:0744-21-1114, Mail:sekaiisan@city.kashihara.nara.jp)
- 【The Association for Spreading “The Beginning of Japan” through Nara Kodan】Let People Know “The Beginning of Japan” through Nara Kodan Lectures will be held in various places in Japan!
In preparation for the registration of Asuka-Fujiwara as World Heritage sites, a nationwide tour of “Nara Kodan” will be held as an opportunity to let people all over Japan know about the place where Japan began.

〈Contact〉The Association for Spreading “The Beginning of Japan” through Nara Kodan(Tel :090-7942-7425, Mail:m.tsumoto@v-hcare.com, Website:http://narakodan.com/)
- 【FM Yamato】Support program for World Heritage inscription is being broadcast live every Wednesday from 11:00 AM to 12:54 PM!
FM Yamato, a community radio station in ‘Chunanwa’, covering the central and southern regions of Nara, broadcasts the live support program ‘Learn from the Masters of Asuka/Kashihara’ for the World Heritage nomination of Asuka-Fujiwara.
If you know someone who you think is an Asuka/Kashihara master, please contact FM Yamato!

〈Contact〉FM Yamato(Tel:0745-25-2539, Mail:info@2525fm.jp, Website:fmyamato.jp)