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In the Asuka-Fujiwara area, local buses and community buses are in operation.Visitors can also enjoy hiking, cycling, and other activities.

  1. Asuka Palace Site
  2. Asuka Pond Garden Site
  3. Asuka Water Clock Site
  4. Sakafuneishi Ritual Site
  5. Asuka-dera Temple Site
  6. Tachibana-dera Temple Site
  1. Yamada-dera Temple Site
  2. Kawara-dera Temple Site
  3. Hinokuma-dera Temple Site
  4. Ishibutai Mounded Tomb
  5. Shobuike Mounded Tomb
  6. Kengoshizuka Mounded Tomb
  1. Fujiwara Palace Site
  2. Three Mountains of Yamato ( Mt. Kaguyama)
  3. Three Mountains of Yamato (Mt. Unebiyama )
  4. Three Mountains of Yamato(Mt. Miminashiyama )
  5. Daikandaiji Temple Site
  6. Motoyakushiji Temple Site
  1. Mausoleum of Emperor Temmu and Empress Jito
  2. Nakaoyama Mounded Tomb
  3. Kitora Mounded Tomb
  4. Takamatsuzuka Mounded Tomb
  1. Sakurai City Center for Archaeological Operations
  2. Fujiwara-kyo Capital reference room of Kashihara City
  3. Fujiwara Palace Site Exhibition Room, Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties
  4. The Museum, of the Archaeological Institute of Kashihara, Nara Prefecture
  1. Rest-in-History Kashihara City Museum
  2. Asuka Historical Museum, Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties
  3. Asuka Village Buried Cultural Properties Exhibition Room
  4. Nara Prefecture Complex of Man'yo Culture
  1. Asuka Historical National Government Park Hall
  2. Takamatsuzuka Mural Hall
  3. Kitora Tumulus Mural Experiential Museum Shijin no Yakata